вторник, 22 октября 2013 г.

What and when they drink the wealthiest financiers

The financiers of Wall Street is not entitled to refuse to whiskey , and "Martini" drink only dry.

On Wall Street, there is a set of rules of correct use of alcohol for employees of the financial market . Key points of this " code" found Business Insider.

Whiskey - this is your first choice.
No need to order it every time, but if someone offers Scotch whiskey , then do not hesitate to agree. For this drink is allowed the ice, as well as quite a bit of soda water, which , according to the true connoisseurs of whiskey helps to reveal his taste. If you want to look like a real financier , choose Macallan and Oban.

"Martini" can only be dry.
Your "Martini" does not have to be sweet , because it's not a cocktail Cosmo. Although some of the additives in the "Martini" are allowed.

Drinks are dependent on the company.
If you decide to have a drink with a group of traders , do not be surprised if they prefer something simple , such as Jameson warm without ice and soda water. In the past, traders have been waiting staff , a sort of " blue collar ". Very often, they remember their old habits.

You can always give up the first glass , referring to the heavy night.
If you're not in the "form" , explain it hard at night. Everyone will understand . Skip the first round and make a club soda with lime .

Club Soda - your best friend.
In most cases, the financiers of Wall Street prefer unmixed drink, just add a splash of soda water. The classic combination : 1) Vodka Grey Goose, lime and a small amount of baking soda , and 2 ) Johnnie Walker Black and a little soda.

On a hot day, choose a G & T.
This may be a gin and tonic or vodka and tonic.

Keep track of your favorite brands .
When you choose a drink offering , you do not have to stutter and could hardly remember anything . Respond immediately by calling your favorite brand . We should not just talk gin - you have to call a particular brand of gin.

Drink wine during dinner.
The wine goes well with food, and you should know what type of wine goes with a particular dish. This knowledge will come in handy during a meeting with valued customers .

Selection of ladies .
Ladies, if you want to break the rules of this "code ", then you are already authorized. If you like Pinot Grigio, book it , if you like beer - drink beer. But remember that if you decide to choose a whiskey , you instantly become a heroine of the company.

Be prepared that in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea, traditionally drink a lot.
In the U.S. and the UK, despite the amount of alcohol you have to monitor the situation and look sober. In Japan , Hong Kong and South Korea all different: Bankers can be very drunk and not worry about what the surrounding think .

In London, all celebrate with champagne.
In the City ( London's version of Wall Street ) all celebrate with champagne, which , by the way , is the cause of severe hangover. So be careful.

If you can not drink - do not drink .
If you have tried to drink, but you never liked it , and the result was not very good, then do not drink .

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