суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

Startups - a new kind of Internet business

Internet like crazy drunk, walking rapidly across the planet. The things you could not imagine today, already is today. Talk with any of the world, vast amounts of information - all this is is today. But the Internet is developing not only in terms of communication, information, free porn, but also in terms of money. It is not a secret that there are running not just big, but big money. And now it all happens largely due to online business (ie business, completely built and developed on the Internet). And one of the varieties of the same online business is the so-called start-ups. And in today's article I would like to tell you and with you to discuss exactly startups. Namely parse what it is and how all this can be good money
What startups? Startup - a project that provides most any innovative services or services. And the service or services may be very, very different: some programs or programs for PC or smartphones, social networks, other services etc. Often a site or group of sites. Such determination may be immediately clear, but I think when we consider further examples of startups, everything will fall into place What you need to earn a startup? As I said, startups are the sites, but not simple (and gold). Their "counter" is any service or services (mostly new, which the user is still in the eye and not seen). Now let's consider what is required of you (and of any person) who wanted to "make capital" for startups? • The idea and its analysis. Perhaps the most important part of a startup. After service, program or product provided by the creator of startup must be new and previously unknown people. Here is an example of Facebook. It is nothing like this scale was not. So Mark Zuckerberg got the idea to create a social network for Harvard. But the idea proved so popular that has spread worldwide. And now many people use the idea of ​​social networks. That is, if you have the desire to make money on creating your startup, the first thing that should be - an idea. Of course, after the idea should be an analysis of the market and competitors (to answer the question: "Is there such a product at all, and if you need it to people?"). • Software implementation. But one idea for making money is not enough. The next step will be to create a startup its software implementation. Or put in other words - transfer your thoughts from the head into reality. And for this most needed programmers, designers, kontentschyky (sometimes even explanatory). • Investments. Clearly, any project is not without money. To implement startups need the money and sometimes even very significant (this pay programmers and employees, buying domains, servers, initial promotion, advertising, etc.). And they are investors. For this purpose, a business plan, presentation - all in order to attract investors (In other words - to convince him that your project the best in the world, and it will complete idiot if you do not "vkladetsya" in this invention). • Testing of the project. Once money is received, the work done to move to the next, equally important parts - testing created "child". That is his test of performance, errors, bugs and defects to be corrected in the future. Testing of the project is done most often not a single person and group, which called testers. Check startup is very, very important step. Imagine the scene: You have created a project it launched, attracted users, but when they began working with the service, one by one began to "get out" errors, failures, etc. Do you think this will give your project attractiveness in the eyes of users? I do not think so ... So do not neglect the testing of the resource before its launch. • Run. When everything has been tested, you can resort to the allocation of resources on the Internet. That is actually hosting the server, so that he was available to the end user. More here add nothing. • Promotion of the project. Often it as its advertising and resource optimization for search engines to attract search traffic. Although if the resource or service is interesting, then over time work effect of so-called "word of mouth" and the project enters the stage samorozkrutky.Tse concerning the overall picture of how to make a start. Of course, within the same article it is very difficult to tell everything, but, nevertheless, a general idea of ​​"problem", I think you gave. Now, let's consider the most famous and successful examples of startups: • Wikipedia. I think everyone knows about the global online encyclopedia. It first offered a similar format for creating and editing records (everyone could edit and create article). And today is one of the most powerful educational sites. Later even appeared engine where everyone could create their own "Wikipedia» - Mediawiki. • YouTube. World renowned online video service, which can accommodate video anyone. The number of page views to date is worth billions, making it the number 1 video service in the world. • Facebook. I have already mentioned above, Mark Zuckerberg and his "child", which represents a social network that is distributed worldwide. Just after the Facebook social network started capturing the minds of people around the world. By the way based on the history of the formation of Facebook filmed - "Social Network", which I recommend to view. • «facebook». The founder of this site - Paul Levi. First (and many still think so) it was called "Facebook clone": he repeated the idea, site structure and design of its "big brother". But over the last six months of this service did a lot of improvements and enhancements, making it more profitable (in my opinion) than Facebook. Clearly, this is not all startups that exist in the world and in RuNet: I chose the most precious, famous and interesting. Total As you see, startups can and should earn millions. In his article, I brought the common motives of earnings in this field. Having a desire to ynterenete can find much information about this (because the industry is dynamic), and having the idea and money can start right now! Is not it?

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