суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

Misconceptions and myths about FOREX

Misconceptions and myths about FOREXMisconceptions, frightening a novice
It is human nature to doubt. People tend to continue to sleep on an uncomfortable bed, go to the old car, go to the hated work. Why? Because any changes in our lives, even positive, as perceived by the subconscious stress. But life is too short to be sure. You do not doubt - if you want to live better? The answer is obvious!Thus, the main myths about the FOREX:
Forex - a divorce? Forex - scam?
The individual "experts" believe that Forex - deception, Forex - scam, Forex - divorce, especially if the bidding made through an intermediary. If you are interested in the truth about the Forex, then you'll find it in this article. As with any high-yield business, attracting many people, trading in Forex, happens to be the target of fraud and deception. However, forex fraud phenomenon is not frequent and it can be avoided by working with trusted and reputable brokers, one of which is FOREX CLUB. Work without cheating is quite real. We must understand that forex stealth companies that do not differ in honesty, it is easy to calculate. Advantageous to the obscene proposals dealing centers can be a symptom of forex fraud. Of course, the conditions for cooperation to be beneficial, but real - it must be recognized.
To do this, a lot of money
and it is somewhere in New York, Tokyo or London. All this - the myths of the forex market. Indeed, prior to the rapid development of modern computer technology for professional currency trading were required, at least a little trolley cart and money. Dealing mainly engaged men in top hats and gold cigarette cases, living in the financial centers of the world. Now, to get out on the FOREX, it takes only a couple of hundred U.S. dollars, and all the service you provide, literally, anywhere in the world, would be the Internet and your computer.
It's a terrible risk
Any commerce has always been associated with risk of losing your investment: a business laws and champagne, really drunk, not all entrepreneurs. But think, if everyone who started his business achieve outstanding results at once, and 100% of the time on earth was not it would be famine, war and poverty. The truth about forex is that every third newcomer receives a considerable profit in the first month of the forex market - it all depends on you personally! The main thing to realize that pretty much what you read on the internet - it's misconceptions about forex trading.
It is unreliable
The forex market - it is the youngest (the forex market was established in 1971), the most global and most modern financial market in the world. Market participants are state-owned banks (central banks of developed countries), the largest commercial banks and companies and private individuals. The market is open 24 hours a day and digest any transaction volumes and increases in volume every year. The average volume of transactions in the market is 4-5 tlrn. (!) U.S. dollars, which exceeds by orders of trading volume on the most powerful U.S. stock market. Perceiving even the basics of the market, it is difficult to remain unemployed.
This is very similar to the casino
Even the most cursory analysis of the market shows that there is a series of events that affect it absolutely clear. For example, after the events of September 11, 2001, the American dollar for a few minutes became cheaper by a few percent. Americans or instigate military action in neighboring Votoka - and investors from harm's way are beginning to buy foreign currency the strongest nation in the world. Naturally, the price of the "buck" is growing. But at the same time starts to go up and the British pound. The explanation again is simple - after a missile strike on wells in Iraq or Iran's uranium enrichment plant value of "black gold" in the market rises (fewer goods, while demand remained the same). But Britain itself sells oil produced in the North Sea. Further communication with the currency is obvious. The logic in all cases is simple but iron. Where is the accident?
However, fans of the game may well be distracted by events in the world and surrender, out of habit, a beautiful woman's hands of Fortune. FOREX venturesome no less than roulette.
You must have a special intelligence and knowledge
Since 1997, customers FOREX CLUB are tens of thousands of totally different people with education and without. All of them have only one thing - the pursuit of success and understanding of financial freedom. This is a business level the professors and former taxi driver, bankers and students. But the amount earned by each of them money is not a multiple degrees and the number of books read. Looking at the most successful trader, you would think that it is born traders. But they're not always been so - the financiers are not born. Just our customers are able to one day overcome their fear of other sound silly, took up a new business and proved in practice that have made the right move.
Education is expensive
Clear and accurate understanding of how the client is important to have the knowledge to successfully operate in FOREX - the distinguishing feature of FOREX CLUB (Forex Club). We created almost ideal conditions for those who choose to acquire new knowledge. First, you can always get the basic information about the FOREX market for free on our site. Second, we conduct free orientation workshop, where teachers and professional traders to answer any questions relating to the work in the market and in your city and online.
Third, we are always up to date and offer a wide range of educational materials in audio and video formats available on our website and the Internet for free. The main thing to understand that the term «FOREX CLUB - deception" are incompatible.
It takes all my time at the expense of current work or school
It has long been something no one was dumped on his head is not manna from heaven. It is impossible in a flash and without any special effort to support themselves and their loved ones. However, the clock work FOREX'a allows participants to choose an optimal mode: do not need to sweat to change euro to the Swiss franc from dawn to dusk - this can be done at a convenient time for you. In the final analysis, carried out in the market hours, days, months, years, in the literal sense is not in vain. And not only replenishes your wallet, but the head man is not only earn, but also acquires professional skills.
Forex: «for" and "against"
So now you know the whole truth about Forex-trading. Quite possible to earn without cheating, but it is necessary to consider stealth forex-companies. Throw away from the head of such phrases as «forexclub-deception", "forex divorce" and «forex-scam". All this confusion about the Forex. Tune in to the positive, recall everything that was described in this article, make your conclusions, consider all the "pros" and "cons" and get to work!

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