суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

Forex for Beginners

This article is about Forex, questions about where I come almost every day. This article is unusual and in relation to my site, and on other articles about Forex. And here's why.

I've never played in the Forex market. Nor when I was a beginner, or when gain experience. Gambling for money in general has always passed me.

But most new employees feel the Internet Forex one of the ways to make money online. More or less promising. And, since my site has a pretty impressive section on options for income on the internet, it seems reasonable to ask me questions about trading the forex market, the level of income from it, "tricks", etc.

Answer the same thing I'm tired and I decided to create a template. Then I thought I should turn this into a template page. After all, prevention is better question than to answer it even pattern.

But a few paragraphs of my opinions about earnings in the Forex market clearly would not be enough. Because of previous experience I knew that many of the issues appear trivial from a misunderstanding of the essence of the system Forex. It was necessary to explain even the most basics. So I went to exchange articles bought a dozen texts about Forex, chose the most intuitive and combined it with my own personal opinion. Since this article has turned out.

It is explained at the beginning basics and at the end of a few words from me.

So, forex for beginners.

§ 1. What is Forex?

Interested in forex earnings? Then learn a few rules to work with.

During regular walks on the Internet every one of us visited the idea of ​​earning online. The advantages of the Internet are obvious: there is no attachment to the workplace, there is no disgruntled and jealous chief of staff, revenue, which depends only on your skills and free time can be devoted to anything. Work at Forex (Forex) successfully meets all of the above benefits.

So what exactly is Forex? This foreign exchange market, where buying and selling currency. 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday - days off. Forex has been operating for 40 years, which can not fail to trust him.

English abbreviation: FOREX - FOReignEXchange operations, translates roughly as: currency exchange transactions or currency exchange. Income from market activities are the difference of buying and selling currencies and not just exchange (stocks, gold, oil, for example). It is thought that forex earnings varies from deposit money, but there is considerable risk of losing everything.

For beginners in Forex will not be easy. It is necessary to start, read the rules, risks, opportunities, terms. And advice from experienced traders should not be ignored. But this may not be enough.

It is necessary to start trading through educational programs in which you can without losing your own money, gain experience and necessary knowledge. Do not get too overconfident, do not neglect training. The first failure may discourage, if not forever then for a long time. The basis for the start of the real account should be stability indices for a month on demo account. Working with real money do not rarely drives the player into a stupor. Therefore reject the panic and fear of the unknown and learn.

Another important point is to study the history of the forex market. But even long-term observations can not guarantee success or profits of a beginner. Market analysts can only make predictions for the currency price behavior that are often not met. Approximately three years' experience will allow you to earn decent money in Forex. Tales of the ease of trading, spread throughout the network, it is a myth. Only the broker earns always, regardless of your successes or failures.

§ 2. Traders and trading in the forex
Traders - a person engaged in commerce (the game) on the exchange. In other words, we are with you, if you decide to play in the forex market. A good trader - a person with an analytical mind, mature, able to assess the situation and time to leave a losing deal, since there is a risk to waste money already earned.

     Need to make a clear plan of action from beginning to end, to avoid unnecessary risks. After completion of each operation is necessary to work on the bugs, to identify the reasons for which deviate from the plan.

     Forex, as in any other operations on investing, risk is unavoidable. The risk of high, medium and low. It is clear that the larger the amount of the deposit amount, the higher the risk. But still, the whole work is built on the Forex game, so will have to take risks. Especially because no one can tell you how to make millions in forex without loss. Not only is early in the career risk of large vehicles. The attempt to recoup, as do fans of gambling can lead to total bankruptcy.

§ 3. brokers

Intermediary between the trader and the Forex market are the brokers and dealing centers. With all its pluses and minuses, and they both can not guarantee the security deposit. The minimum amount to start working on Forex $ 100. Although brokers find the optimal amount of 2-3 thousand dollars to open a secondary account.

     The same broker has an opportunity to choose a credit "leverage" and designate its own level. But, as already noted, the beginner can not be overconfidence, and if in doubt, do not start the operation. And if you do not have the cash, in principle, then taking credit rather unjustified.

     By the way, substandard work your broker can significantly harm the work on the forex market. After all, he carries out your orders on the stock exchange and in the case of procrastination it is inevitable loss. Work on the Forex is set up so that no broker can not.

§ 4. rules

So, we list a few rules for those wishing to start making money on Forex:

Rule one: collect as much information about the market, the rules of its operation, participating brokers. And ask about information not only from the sites of intermediary organizations, which reveal, often, only the positive aspects of trading, but also information from independent sources (newspapers, TV, books, friends, and experience, etc.). Forex - this is the case when we start to practice better start after obtaining good theoretical knowledge.

Rule number two: get acquainted with the risks that can arise in various situations. Estimate on how much you're willing to take risks, and the loss of any amount will not bring you significant financial problems. In short, we must be prepared for the worst, so how exactly do you assume full financial responsibility for all the bad deals, force majeure etc.

Rule Three: Use tools such Forex, as forecast and analysis. Especially if you're a beginner. The forecast and analysis are based on monetary and financial, economic and political news. Of course, you can not trust the forecasts of the market, but can predict the beginner is better? Plausible projections Forex and playing for small amounts, you can earn anything. After all, similar situations occur in the market regularly, allowing the algorithm to produce behavior. Technical analysis indicates the most successful moments for the opening and closing, saving much time to study the situation.

Rule Four: Do not rush to earn all the money in the world at once! After receiving some profit, do not lose all sense of proportion: some minutes and you can lose everything earned. Need to learn to use the profit level constraints and, most importantly, for damages. In the case of incorrect forecast currency prices deal closes automatically, which can save your capital.

In general, if you have already decided to devote his time to conquer the Forex, then Do it very seriously and will do well.

§ 5. from me

         First, remember this: Forex - is not readily available freebies! All work on the forex market - this is pure speculation. Moreover, speculation is not something real, and air. And where are speculating the air, can not be a winner all. And the more "air", the less those in the black.

         Second, in any form of success for the beginner usually comes with experience. A reference to speculation in the air experience is important in particular. Plus, achieving results in a normal case takes time, and in the case with Forex and more money.

         Third, besides the known disadvantages of gambling, the Forex is still the same: between you and the exchange is always a mediator, which depends very much.

     In general, forex for beginners not the best option to earn money. Yes and no novice either. There is a simpler and more understandable ways to generate income online.

     But if you do not stop all of the above was written, then here's a list of brokers for trading in Forex.

     Good luck!


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