вторник, 18 октября 2011 г.

Types of Forex trading strategies

Types of Forex trading strategies
Forex trading strategies are divided by time. Longer strategies are less profitable but less risky. They require less psychological stress and a greater ratio of Deposit / Margin. The converse is true for short-term Forex trading strategies.
Long-term strategies -
Forex trading strategies such as trader holds a position open for several days to a month or more. This is the least risky strategy that does not require making instant decisions. Yes, and psychological stress are low. On the other hand, quite a large deposit of at least 5 to 10 times higher than Margin (amount required to open and maintain a position).

Thus, in Margin equal to $ 1,000 for the work under this
Forex trading strategy should be 10,000. This is necessary to withstand harsh speculative fluctuations, reaching an average of 500 - 1000 points. A second drawback of this class of strategies that must be paid for the transfer position. Such a strategy using strategic investors and speculators semi. It is most effective in the emerging trend and the least profitable at the side or sluggish trends. Requires mandatory safety net of related work and on the futures exchange options market.

The medium-term
Forex trading strategy is working within the time limits ranging from one day to one week. It satisfies all of the above. It is perfect for beginners who can not or do not want to wait a long time. This is potentially more profitable and somewhat risky strategy, but at a ratio of Deposit / Margin of 5-10, it can be virtually risk-free.
This strategy is mainly used as semi-professional speculators. This strategy can take advantage of all the strategies work, on the one hand it can be quite long-term, on the other - short-term.

Short-term strategy -
Forex trading strategy from one hour to one day. Potentially highly profitable strategy for experienced traders. It is used by professional players who are already well known and "" market. The positive point here is that by using this strategy to work, you are not putting yourself at risk of unexpected price changes and fellowship at a time when you were on the market. Negative - large indirect costs (commissions, spread, communication services, etc.), a greater risk of adverse short-term fluctuations in price; requires constant concentration, and stress control during the day.

Very short strategy - the most attractive for beginners and most rapidly leads to their complete collapse. Tempted by short-term fluctuations of a few points, the trader begins to "catch points" on 1-5. Several times it can be successful, it earns 20-40 points.
Then there is a movement against the position of the trader and he quickly makes a loss. Since this work requires a very rapid decisions under conditions of very high psychological stress, which is available only to a very experienced trader, beginner does not do anything but fascinated watching how rapidly decreasing its deposit.

To begin with recommended use of the medium-term
Forex trading strategy to gradually taking advantage of the first and penultimate strategy when flaccid or sideways. It should be noted that "it is better to do nothing than to do that - then." I mean that you can not enter into transactions only - a simple desire to act, often provoked by the long inaction. For each transaction must be a reason - fundamental or technical.

суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

Misconceptions and myths about FOREX

Misconceptions and myths about FOREXMisconceptions, frightening a novice
It is human nature to doubt. People tend to continue to sleep on an uncomfortable bed, go to the old car, go to the hated work. Why? Because any changes in our lives, even positive, as perceived by the subconscious stress. But life is too short to be sure. You do not doubt - if you want to live better? The answer is obvious!Thus, the main myths about the FOREX:
Forex - a divorce? Forex - scam?
The individual "experts" believe that Forex - deception, Forex - scam, Forex - divorce, especially if the bidding made through an intermediary. If you are interested in the truth about the Forex, then you'll find it in this article. As with any high-yield business, attracting many people, trading in Forex, happens to be the target of fraud and deception. However, forex fraud phenomenon is not frequent and it can be avoided by working with trusted and reputable brokers, one of which is FOREX CLUB. Work without cheating is quite real. We must understand that forex stealth companies that do not differ in honesty, it is easy to calculate. Advantageous to the obscene proposals dealing centers can be a symptom of forex fraud. Of course, the conditions for cooperation to be beneficial, but real - it must be recognized.
To do this, a lot of money
and it is somewhere in New York, Tokyo or London. All this - the myths of the forex market. Indeed, prior to the rapid development of modern computer technology for professional currency trading were required, at least a little trolley cart and money. Dealing mainly engaged men in top hats and gold cigarette cases, living in the financial centers of the world. Now, to get out on the FOREX, it takes only a couple of hundred U.S. dollars, and all the service you provide, literally, anywhere in the world, would be the Internet and your computer.
It's a terrible risk
Any commerce has always been associated with risk of losing your investment: a business laws and champagne, really drunk, not all entrepreneurs. But think, if everyone who started his business achieve outstanding results at once, and 100% of the time on earth was not it would be famine, war and poverty. The truth about forex is that every third newcomer receives a considerable profit in the first month of the forex market - it all depends on you personally! The main thing to realize that pretty much what you read on the internet - it's misconceptions about forex trading.
It is unreliable
The forex market - it is the youngest (the forex market was established in 1971), the most global and most modern financial market in the world. Market participants are state-owned banks (central banks of developed countries), the largest commercial banks and companies and private individuals. The market is open 24 hours a day and digest any transaction volumes and increases in volume every year. The average volume of transactions in the market is 4-5 tlrn. (!) U.S. dollars, which exceeds by orders of trading volume on the most powerful U.S. stock market. Perceiving even the basics of the market, it is difficult to remain unemployed.
This is very similar to the casino
Even the most cursory analysis of the market shows that there is a series of events that affect it absolutely clear. For example, after the events of September 11, 2001, the American dollar for a few minutes became cheaper by a few percent. Americans or instigate military action in neighboring Votoka - and investors from harm's way are beginning to buy foreign currency the strongest nation in the world. Naturally, the price of the "buck" is growing. But at the same time starts to go up and the British pound. The explanation again is simple - after a missile strike on wells in Iraq or Iran's uranium enrichment plant value of "black gold" in the market rises (fewer goods, while demand remained the same). But Britain itself sells oil produced in the North Sea. Further communication with the currency is obvious. The logic in all cases is simple but iron. Where is the accident?
However, fans of the game may well be distracted by events in the world and surrender, out of habit, a beautiful woman's hands of Fortune. FOREX venturesome no less than roulette.
You must have a special intelligence and knowledge
Since 1997, customers FOREX CLUB are tens of thousands of totally different people with education and without. All of them have only one thing - the pursuit of success and understanding of financial freedom. This is a business level the professors and former taxi driver, bankers and students. But the amount earned by each of them money is not a multiple degrees and the number of books read. Looking at the most successful trader, you would think that it is born traders. But they're not always been so - the financiers are not born. Just our customers are able to one day overcome their fear of other sound silly, took up a new business and proved in practice that have made the right move.
Education is expensive
Clear and accurate understanding of how the client is important to have the knowledge to successfully operate in FOREX - the distinguishing feature of FOREX CLUB (Forex Club). We created almost ideal conditions for those who choose to acquire new knowledge. First, you can always get the basic information about the FOREX market for free on our site. Second, we conduct free orientation workshop, where teachers and professional traders to answer any questions relating to the work in the market and in your city and online.
Third, we are always up to date and offer a wide range of educational materials in audio and video formats available on our website and the Internet for free. The main thing to understand that the term «FOREX CLUB - deception" are incompatible.
It takes all my time at the expense of current work or school
It has long been something no one was dumped on his head is not manna from heaven. It is impossible in a flash and without any special effort to support themselves and their loved ones. However, the clock work FOREX'a allows participants to choose an optimal mode: do not need to sweat to change euro to the Swiss franc from dawn to dusk - this can be done at a convenient time for you. In the final analysis, carried out in the market hours, days, months, years, in the literal sense is not in vain. And not only replenishes your wallet, but the head man is not only earn, but also acquires professional skills.
Forex: «for" and "against"
So now you know the whole truth about Forex-trading. Quite possible to earn without cheating, but it is necessary to consider stealth forex-companies. Throw away from the head of such phrases as «forexclub-deception", "forex divorce" and «forex-scam". All this confusion about the Forex. Tune in to the positive, recall everything that was described in this article, make your conclusions, consider all the "pros" and "cons" and get to work!

Forex for Beginners

This article is about Forex, questions about where I come almost every day. This article is unusual and in relation to my site, and on other articles about Forex. And here's why.

I've never played in the Forex market. Nor when I was a beginner, or when gain experience. Gambling for money in general has always passed me.

But most new employees feel the Internet Forex one of the ways to make money online. More or less promising. And, since my site has a pretty impressive section on options for income on the internet, it seems reasonable to ask me questions about trading the forex market, the level of income from it, "tricks", etc.

Answer the same thing I'm tired and I decided to create a template. Then I thought I should turn this into a template page. After all, prevention is better question than to answer it even pattern.

But a few paragraphs of my opinions about earnings in the Forex market clearly would not be enough. Because of previous experience I knew that many of the issues appear trivial from a misunderstanding of the essence of the system Forex. It was necessary to explain even the most basics. So I went to exchange articles bought a dozen texts about Forex, chose the most intuitive and combined it with my own personal opinion. Since this article has turned out.

It is explained at the beginning basics and at the end of a few words from me.

So, forex for beginners.

§ 1. What is Forex?

Interested in forex earnings? Then learn a few rules to work with.

During regular walks on the Internet every one of us visited the idea of ​​earning online. The advantages of the Internet are obvious: there is no attachment to the workplace, there is no disgruntled and jealous chief of staff, revenue, which depends only on your skills and free time can be devoted to anything. Work at Forex (Forex) successfully meets all of the above benefits.

So what exactly is Forex? This foreign exchange market, where buying and selling currency. 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday - days off. Forex has been operating for 40 years, which can not fail to trust him.

English abbreviation: FOREX - FOReignEXchange operations, translates roughly as: currency exchange transactions or currency exchange. Income from market activities are the difference of buying and selling currencies and not just exchange (stocks, gold, oil, for example). It is thought that forex earnings varies from deposit money, but there is considerable risk of losing everything.

For beginners in Forex will not be easy. It is necessary to start, read the rules, risks, opportunities, terms. And advice from experienced traders should not be ignored. But this may not be enough.

It is necessary to start trading through educational programs in which you can without losing your own money, gain experience and necessary knowledge. Do not get too overconfident, do not neglect training. The first failure may discourage, if not forever then for a long time. The basis for the start of the real account should be stability indices for a month on demo account. Working with real money do not rarely drives the player into a stupor. Therefore reject the panic and fear of the unknown and learn.

Another important point is to study the history of the forex market. But even long-term observations can not guarantee success or profits of a beginner. Market analysts can only make predictions for the currency price behavior that are often not met. Approximately three years' experience will allow you to earn decent money in Forex. Tales of the ease of trading, spread throughout the network, it is a myth. Only the broker earns always, regardless of your successes or failures.

§ 2. Traders and trading in the forex
Traders - a person engaged in commerce (the game) on the exchange. In other words, we are with you, if you decide to play in the forex market. A good trader - a person with an analytical mind, mature, able to assess the situation and time to leave a losing deal, since there is a risk to waste money already earned.

     Need to make a clear plan of action from beginning to end, to avoid unnecessary risks. After completion of each operation is necessary to work on the bugs, to identify the reasons for which deviate from the plan.

     Forex, as in any other operations on investing, risk is unavoidable. The risk of high, medium and low. It is clear that the larger the amount of the deposit amount, the higher the risk. But still, the whole work is built on the Forex game, so will have to take risks. Especially because no one can tell you how to make millions in forex without loss. Not only is early in the career risk of large vehicles. The attempt to recoup, as do fans of gambling can lead to total bankruptcy.

§ 3. brokers

Intermediary between the trader and the Forex market are the brokers and dealing centers. With all its pluses and minuses, and they both can not guarantee the security deposit. The minimum amount to start working on Forex $ 100. Although brokers find the optimal amount of 2-3 thousand dollars to open a secondary account.

     The same broker has an opportunity to choose a credit "leverage" and designate its own level. But, as already noted, the beginner can not be overconfidence, and if in doubt, do not start the operation. And if you do not have the cash, in principle, then taking credit rather unjustified.

     By the way, substandard work your broker can significantly harm the work on the forex market. After all, he carries out your orders on the stock exchange and in the case of procrastination it is inevitable loss. Work on the Forex is set up so that no broker can not.

§ 4. rules

So, we list a few rules for those wishing to start making money on Forex:

Rule one: collect as much information about the market, the rules of its operation, participating brokers. And ask about information not only from the sites of intermediary organizations, which reveal, often, only the positive aspects of trading, but also information from independent sources (newspapers, TV, books, friends, and experience, etc.). Forex - this is the case when we start to practice better start after obtaining good theoretical knowledge.

Rule number two: get acquainted with the risks that can arise in various situations. Estimate on how much you're willing to take risks, and the loss of any amount will not bring you significant financial problems. In short, we must be prepared for the worst, so how exactly do you assume full financial responsibility for all the bad deals, force majeure etc.

Rule Three: Use tools such Forex, as forecast and analysis. Especially if you're a beginner. The forecast and analysis are based on monetary and financial, economic and political news. Of course, you can not trust the forecasts of the market, but can predict the beginner is better? Plausible projections Forex and playing for small amounts, you can earn anything. After all, similar situations occur in the market regularly, allowing the algorithm to produce behavior. Technical analysis indicates the most successful moments for the opening and closing, saving much time to study the situation.

Rule Four: Do not rush to earn all the money in the world at once! After receiving some profit, do not lose all sense of proportion: some minutes and you can lose everything earned. Need to learn to use the profit level constraints and, most importantly, for damages. In the case of incorrect forecast currency prices deal closes automatically, which can save your capital.

In general, if you have already decided to devote his time to conquer the Forex, then Do it very seriously and will do well.

§ 5. from me

         First, remember this: Forex - is not readily available freebies! All work on the forex market - this is pure speculation. Moreover, speculation is not something real, and air. And where are speculating the air, can not be a winner all. And the more "air", the less those in the black.

         Second, in any form of success for the beginner usually comes with experience. A reference to speculation in the air experience is important in particular. Plus, achieving results in a normal case takes time, and in the case with Forex and more money.

         Third, besides the known disadvantages of gambling, the Forex is still the same: between you and the exchange is always a mediator, which depends very much.

     In general, forex for beginners not the best option to earn money. Yes and no novice either. There is a simpler and more understandable ways to generate income online.

     But if you do not stop all of the above was written, then here's a list of brokers for trading in Forex.

     Good luck!


About earnings in the Internet and its search

The purpose of this article does not paint in the details of what the remote work on the Internet or, in other words, Freelance. The purpose of this article - to explain how to find the real earnings of the Internet without the investment and, most importantly, without cheating. The article does not describe how to earn online, this site has a special section How to make money online, but here you'll learn how to find work in the Internet and does not rise to the bait scammers.

    This article is based on my personal experience searching the Internet and, of course, is not a complete and comprehensive guide. Fraudsters every day coming up with new ways of cheating or upgrading old scam. Therefore thy principal advisers and assistants trying to find money on the Internet should be common sense, logic, and always included the brain.

The main motive for this writing was my contact at various forums on the Web, with the newcomers in the online business, which for some reason, as one convinced that internet income - is a form of freebies. And that remote work from home via the Internet, despite the absence of any knowledge and, more importantly, the desire to work, be sure to make them millionaires. Believe me, it's not.

    Of course, the Internet can earn. But you need to work hard and constantly strive for self-learning. Otherwise dream about real money on the internet without investment, will remain a dream without any consequences. I wish you, dear visitor, safety, success, and patience in the field of e-commerce.

Introduction to "prospects", or
Remote work on the Internet in a million

This small, but it seems to me an interesting and useful for the beginner paper matured in me long ago. She matured since the time when I decided to try to find the remote operation of the Internet, for the performance of which you can get decent money. Like most beginners, I opened the page in the browser and search engine Yandex introduced a request to: make money on internet without investment. Search engine gave me a lot of references in his description of such figures, of which my thirst for quick money rejoiced and increased in size several times.

If your request before you enter the maximum amount of earnings on which I rely, was $ 10-20, then after I saw the phrase "we can easily earn $ 100 per hour," "get a $ 1000 a day", "increase its income up to two million rubles a month, "and similar tempting offers, and I razduharilsya decided to consider only those" suggestions "that offered telecommuting from home at least $ 500 a day. Oh yes, and so less work (still have to look the same "news" on porn sites) and more, please feel free to work only when I want.

Inspired by the new "prospects", laughing at people who go to work every day, for which they are paid a penny, I began to "estimate", where I spend my first thousand dollars, to the next, and then decided that the parents time to change the car, and your favorite Man (now husband) to send for a week to shop ...

At this point, my reverie was interrupted beeping cell phone (when I went to the Internet via mobile phone), which meant that the money ran out on the phone and Internet connection is broken. But, being in fact already five minutes to a millionaire, I'm a condescending smile, gathered all the available cash (to communication problems do not distract from earning millions on the Internet) and went to replenish the account.

Then I selected a dozen tempting options on the real income online without investment and began to study the proposal that, like millions of money will fall on me, with what speed and in denominations of dignity. And then ...

And here to say thank you to my parents, who from childhood had taught me that the head can not only there but also to think. Because after watching the first reference to offer "real work on the Internet," I began to worry vague doubts. Frantically, I looked at the second, then third, and then all other references. But everywhere I was waiting for the same - dumb "wiring" and no less stupid "scam", computed on the irrepressible thirst for money and a complete lack of brains (or parents who have these brains "tuned" as needed).

Frankly, I come upon a bitter disappointment and deep resentment (especially for yourself). I did not believe (or rather did not want to believe) in that all these "prospects" money earning online without investing were zilch. I looked at page 20 SERPs, but they all were needed or at least some knowledge on certain subjects, or (in most cases) it was a pyramid and scam.

The next three days I spent on exchanges freelancers and various forums on money on the internet, looking at ads on a remote work from home without investment. And that's when I realized one simple but very important thing that newbies forget internet - it's part of our lives. No other life, namely her part. And live on the Internet with the principles and laws of the off-line life, some of which are slightly modified due to the characteristics and features of the Web, but their meaning remains unchanged. And then, when I realized that it looked for work in the Internet through different eyes.

Finally I found a couple of services that offer job copywriter. Since they began, and already my real income online without investment. But I wanted to talk about something else.

Easy online earning through ignorance or
How to build a house for 3 days

So why remote work on the internet people think a freebie? What makes them believe in these "tempting" offers that are off-line in life, they would just laugh and send the offering to the forest?

After all, if you are a suitable person on the street and offer to buy him a book, disc, or just a "tool" that (he says) will disclose to you the great secret of how to earn $ 1,000 a day, sitting on the couch and doing nothing then, I think part of the reader just will indicate the direction in which this "businessman" should go (intellectually speaking, he will send him to dick), and another part for greater speed and still weighed him the magic pendelya.

And so we proceed, because clearly understand that no money we just will not. And if we sit on the couch and do nothing, the only thing that can pour down upon us, it's debris from our well-built castles in the air. And here, I think, lies the main reason why such "suggestions" to work remotely on the Internet we perceive differently than the exact same proposal offline.

It is (again in my opinion) is that the vast majority of users (just most but not all) are very vague idea of ​​the mechanism of the Internet's operation, the mechanism of resources and services on the web. And it is this lack of knowledge and generates a misunderstanding of what a remote work on the Internet will be paid and how much roughly will pay for it.

After all, we live offline life and more or less in him are investigated, and the Internet come from time to time and are interested in it mainly highly artistic German movies and photos of them. Exactly as long as we do not feel an urge to find a real income online, preferably with no attachments.

Plus, the regular Internet user, thanks to the same ignorance, happy to be bought at numerous advertisements such as "Buy this book (disk, program, business package, etc.), which tells you how to create your site for 3 days and how to make it in the first month of $ 10 000. "

After all, if offline in any bookstore that same user will see a book titled "How to build your house for 3 days and rent it for $ 10 000 per month", it just passes by (and very likely at all in the future will not come back to this store). A pass, because he understands the unreality of a house for 3 days and posleduyuscheey its lease for 10,000 dollars. But what he does not know is that the creation of the site, which will bring at least $ 1000 per month, is not easier than building houses. On this that is calculated and all these "gurus" have similar advertisements on the Internet.

Below I have tried to give you, dear visitor, a few tips on what, in my opinion is different from the normal operation of earnings on the Internet dubious.

Heroes "struggle" with the scam, or
Work on the Internet to be honest

As I said at the beginning of this article, work through the Internet (Internet Business) and its search for are associated with certain difficulties. Scammers all the time improving their pyramid scam and finding more and more new victims. The following simple guidelines allow me so far, pah-pah-pah, successfully get round dubious ways of earning online. Plus of course common sense and not a small amount of white matter in the head.

Thus, examples of indicators that you want to cheat or deprive of all, "which was acquired by overwork."

The most important sign of deception, remember it well, or better yet write it down in large letters on a sheet of paper and hang the sheet over the monitor. It works perfectly in all cases without any 'ifs', "but," "or," "what if", etc. It reads:If you offer telecommuting or earnings on the Internet or you read an ad (post, topic, article, etc.) of work / earnings on the bulletin board (forum, blog, website, etc.) and at the same time you start to of asking to buy something (no matter what) or pay (invest, send, etc.) for at least a ruble, then 100% is a fraud.

In short, if in order to start making money online, you are asked to leave one way or another, even with a paltry sum, it is 100% fraud. This rule applies not only on the Internet, but also offline. Honest and a normal employer would never ask the prospective employee to pay for the top job.

The following feature:vague (or no) description of the proposed remote work, written in vague phrases with no specific details: what exactly is the job, working conditions and payment requirements for an employee, etc.

Honest work on the Internet, as a rule, it is proposed together with a small (or large) list of all these details.

Another sign of cheating:promise of large sums of online income in a short time, or simply a promise of large sums in
Internet Business.

Your thirst for money here will be able to pacify the following advice: Imagine that you were offered a similar amount of money for the same work offline, and then count up how much it really. And remember one thing: a beginner can not just make big money in any online or offline. And all those who say the opposite - crooks.

Indirect sign of deception and can be"Frivolous" domain resource that offers you work remotely from home without investment, or just get rich promises.

Domain or a domain name - this is the site address. For example, my site, he or www.seoded.ru seoded.ru, where. Ru - a domain level, and seoded.ru - Layer 2 domain, and if there was another example blog.seoded.ru, then it would already have been domain 3 levels. All resources have a major domains of level 2 and placed on quality paid hosting. So, if "real wages in the Internet" (or other services for money) offers website domain has 3 levels but still "living" free hosting, I always pass by.

Another sign of cheating, or at least cause the alert is thatwhen enumerating the merits of this particular method of earning on the Internet one of the first items is a description Referral Program, which received much attention.

If a service persistently invites you to attract referrals, then this worthless service.

It is also likely to be tricked into telework,mechanism for the implementation of which is a complex and intricate algorithm.

Normal operation of the Internet (and offline) is simple and clear, as two cents.

Before (I recently learned that is still to this day) for fraud scammers have used the following scheme of
Internet Business. Make a site with a normal domain and some big name such as "Antiloh.ru", which supposedly is dedicated to the sacred struggle against various scam and pyramids. That is, tried to appear before the visitors honest guys and fighters against fraud. In plain view of such "Antilochus," hung a link or banner on a regular pyramid (or several at once), making the visitor the impression that this scam and not scam at all, but an honest way to earn money on the Internet, as these "fighters" as they are, not bad advice. Be careful when visiting these resources.

In addition, the fraud - it does not mean that you will draw out this money. Simply can not pay for the work, coming up with various reasons for this. Or try to ferret out the appearance, names, and passwords. So in any case before the start of telecommuting, torment search engine queries about the service or person that offers you money on the Internet or other means of income.

Finally, earnings or the Internet without end

Well, at this time to finish this article, which I hope is clear, outlined his thoughts on what should be the real income online without investment and without deception. Most importantly do not forget that just impossible to describe, so be careful and use your head and not what they are sitting on a chair.

    Remember, all the normal ways of earning on the Internet (
Internet Business) for a beginner who do not have any special knowledge, have been known for a long time, and their profitability depends on the newcomer. Rather, his desire to work and not to click, surf or somehow else to suffer foolishness. I described all these ways of earning in How to make money online newbie.

    Money on the Internet work is no less real than real life. And other earnings on the Internet (with knowledge) can become more profitable and more fun than offline. So, good luck to you, the visitor, in the field of e-commerce.


Context advertising

One of the most common ways to make money, and promotion of the site is contextual advertising budget with the Greatest of the site you get it from her, a good profit webmaster. Contextual advertising is a tape or a column of ads on your site to its place, you must first register at the selected company, then you get to your account where you can edit your contextual advertising (color, size, etc.) then you get the ad code that you want to place on your website. If you decide to spin his web site via konteksnoy advertising, you will need to write the name of your site to set the price per click and all. Below are the most preferred company you can work with it and Tak.ru Begun and Google
1.BegunTransition costs of the visitor on contextual advertising runner can range from $ 0.05 2-3 $. At the cost primarily affects subject site and the competition among advertisers. For example, one of my sites, which has attendance of about 800 hosts per day, at a cost of ads about 0.1 $ per shift, daily earnings webmaster averages $ 10.
Terms of admission by:Sites on narod.ru not be accepted;-Also do not accept sites on free hosting, attendance is less than 200 people per night;-Does not take into account any porn sites;Not self-click advertising, which is placed on your blog-You can not ask your friends about, that they clicked on ads in your blog.-You can not stir on his blog calls asking to click on ads in any of various shapes.
Billing Information:-The requirements on the number of visitors - at least two visits a day-Minimum payments - $ 50Way of payment - WMZ (Webmoney) dollars.
To register, go to the runner on the appropriate banner:
Buying ads on your site.

If you have a website, you can definitely make money on advertising with Tak.ru. Moreover, the first payment can get today. Money sent to the webmaster day request. Tak.ru pay per click 0.1 -1.5 RUB, simple and convenient interface, accepts virtually all sites.
Terms of admission by:-Does not take into account any porn sites;Not self-click advertising, which is placed on your blog-You can not ask your friends about, that they clicked on ads in your blog.-You can not stir on his blog calls asking to click on ads in any of various shapes.
Billing Information:-The requirements on the number of visitors - there are no requirements;-Minimum payments - any small amount;Way of payment - WMR (Webmoney) Dollars, or Yandex Money;

Startups - a new kind of Internet business

Internet like crazy drunk, walking rapidly across the planet. The things you could not imagine today, already is today. Talk with any of the world, vast amounts of information - all this is is today. But the Internet is developing not only in terms of communication, information, free porn, but also in terms of money. It is not a secret that there are running not just big, but big money. And now it all happens largely due to online business (ie business, completely built and developed on the Internet). And one of the varieties of the same online business is the so-called start-ups. And in today's article I would like to tell you and with you to discuss exactly startups. Namely parse what it is and how all this can be good money
What startups? Startup - a project that provides most any innovative services or services. And the service or services may be very, very different: some programs or programs for PC or smartphones, social networks, other services etc. Often a site or group of sites. Such determination may be immediately clear, but I think when we consider further examples of startups, everything will fall into place What you need to earn a startup? As I said, startups are the sites, but not simple (and gold). Their "counter" is any service or services (mostly new, which the user is still in the eye and not seen). Now let's consider what is required of you (and of any person) who wanted to "make capital" for startups? • The idea and its analysis. Perhaps the most important part of a startup. After service, program or product provided by the creator of startup must be new and previously unknown people. Here is an example of Facebook. It is nothing like this scale was not. So Mark Zuckerberg got the idea to create a social network for Harvard. But the idea proved so popular that has spread worldwide. And now many people use the idea of ​​social networks. That is, if you have the desire to make money on creating your startup, the first thing that should be - an idea. Of course, after the idea should be an analysis of the market and competitors (to answer the question: "Is there such a product at all, and if you need it to people?"). • Software implementation. But one idea for making money is not enough. The next step will be to create a startup its software implementation. Or put in other words - transfer your thoughts from the head into reality. And for this most needed programmers, designers, kontentschyky (sometimes even explanatory). • Investments. Clearly, any project is not without money. To implement startups need the money and sometimes even very significant (this pay programmers and employees, buying domains, servers, initial promotion, advertising, etc.). And they are investors. For this purpose, a business plan, presentation - all in order to attract investors (In other words - to convince him that your project the best in the world, and it will complete idiot if you do not "vkladetsya" in this invention). • Testing of the project. Once money is received, the work done to move to the next, equally important parts - testing created "child". That is his test of performance, errors, bugs and defects to be corrected in the future. Testing of the project is done most often not a single person and group, which called testers. Check startup is very, very important step. Imagine the scene: You have created a project it launched, attracted users, but when they began working with the service, one by one began to "get out" errors, failures, etc. Do you think this will give your project attractiveness in the eyes of users? I do not think so ... So do not neglect the testing of the resource before its launch. • Run. When everything has been tested, you can resort to the allocation of resources on the Internet. That is actually hosting the server, so that he was available to the end user. More here add nothing. • Promotion of the project. Often it as its advertising and resource optimization for search engines to attract search traffic. Although if the resource or service is interesting, then over time work effect of so-called "word of mouth" and the project enters the stage samorozkrutky.Tse concerning the overall picture of how to make a start. Of course, within the same article it is very difficult to tell everything, but, nevertheless, a general idea of ​​"problem", I think you gave. Now, let's consider the most famous and successful examples of startups: • Wikipedia. I think everyone knows about the global online encyclopedia. It first offered a similar format for creating and editing records (everyone could edit and create article). And today is one of the most powerful educational sites. Later even appeared engine where everyone could create their own "Wikipedia» - Mediawiki. • YouTube. World renowned online video service, which can accommodate video anyone. The number of page views to date is worth billions, making it the number 1 video service in the world. • Facebook. I have already mentioned above, Mark Zuckerberg and his "child", which represents a social network that is distributed worldwide. Just after the Facebook social network started capturing the minds of people around the world. By the way based on the history of the formation of Facebook filmed - "Social Network", which I recommend to view. • «facebook». The founder of this site - Paul Levi. First (and many still think so) it was called "Facebook clone": he repeated the idea, site structure and design of its "big brother". But over the last six months of this service did a lot of improvements and enhancements, making it more profitable (in my opinion) than Facebook. Clearly, this is not all startups that exist in the world and in RuNet: I chose the most precious, famous and interesting. Total As you see, startups can and should earn millions. In his article, I brought the common motives of earnings in this field. Having a desire to ynterenete can find much information about this (because the industry is dynamic), and having the idea and money can start right now! Is not it?
