воскресенье, 22 марта 2015 г.

With this unique method to determine a person's character - simple. I am enthusiastic!

With this test, you can learn so much about a person just has learned his hands. All you have to do is ask the subject to do four simple steps. Or make them yourself, if you check yourself. Then, write the result in each case and compared with the following decryption.
So, here's what to do:
1. Lay down your arms into the lock.
Finger a hand was on top? If the left - write down the number 1 if right - 2.
2. aim at an imaginary target, covering one eye.
What eyes remained open? If the left - down 1, right - 2.
3. crossed his arms over his chest.
What hand was on top? Left - 1, right - 2.
4. Poaplodiruy.
When you aplodiruesh which hand is on top? If the left - down 1, right - 2.
And now you can see the result:
2221 - a man with such a character differs a great indecision.
2212 - inherent sociability, you can find a common language with anyone.
2122 - caution, softness, technical mind. Such a person is often cold with others.
1222 - the lack of perseverance, character emotional. Such a person can be easily influenced by others'. Able to find a common language with people.
1122 - a man with such a character differs kindness, the presence of a large number of interests. Often simple and naive. Prone to soul-searching.
2211 - soft character. A man with such a set of numbers is different communication skills.
2111 - a distinctive feature of such a person - impermanence. He prefers to rely only on themselves.
1211 - the nature of the closed, little friends. Nevertheless, this man strong in spirit and struggled goes to the goal.
1121 - creative nature, the nature of the soft and trusting.
1112 - a man with such a combination of energetic, determined and emotional.
2222 - the absolute right-hander, conservative, tendency to avoid conflicts.
1111 - the absolute left-handed. Creative person, who is also characterized by emotion, individualism and selfishness.
2121 - defenselessness. That man just affect.
1212 - persistent and strong-willed people. It is easy to reach this goal.
1221 - gentle nature. Such a person is inherent naivety and lack of perseverance.
2112 - the nature of light, laid-back. Such a person can easily start dating, hobbies often changes.
Well, have you checked yourself? And what happened? Share results in the comments!

суббота, 7 марта 2015 г.

Psychological pressure: do not let yourself to offend

Do you think that you often psychological pressure? If you are calm and confident person, then you'll want to answer you, virtually no face. And in vain! Interventions may be quite different, and often the "victim" does not even understand that it just pressed. But this has a huge impact on your life! If you do not want more than to fall into this trap, read our article and use the knowledge for psychological self-defense.

• Types of psychological pressure
Psychological pressure - it's influence on other people, working to change their attitudes, opinions, judgments and decisions. It may seem that resort to it only the strong and results-oriented people, but it is not. Confident person will act directly and openly, and not look for workarounds, delivering another inconvenience. There are many types of psychological pressure, with which you will surely come across in life:
1 Duress - this is a direct effect of the naked body of another person
Resort to it only when there is some force, otherwise no one will give in. Examples of such a force can be physical quality, power, money, information. People who are forced to something, knows about what is happening during - in contrast to manipulation. You can try to protect myself hinting "davitelyu" that he does aggressive - some people do not like to admit it. However, if the person does not care, then to resist this kind of pressure is very difficult.
2 humility
Another type of psychological pressure to trying aggressor morally "crush the victim." In this situation, you may have heard about yourself a lot of unpleasant things: you're stupid, horrible, clumsy, mediocre, unorganized, etc. ... Being in a state of psychological prostration, you lose control of the situation, and at this moment on you is very convenient to press: "At least you can do it?". The idea is that being in sound mind, you would never have agreed, but then getting into the act personal protection mechanisms and the desire to prove their own importance. By the way, this method works o nly at the expense of self-doubt.
3 Care aside
This kind of psychological pressure stands apart from all others, because its essence is to try to take you into submission. Simply put, when you try to press, and you want to make this clear, the person starts to slide on extraneous threads or even goes into "defensive": "Well, what are you, eh?". Or wondered why you keep saying nasty things about him. In this case, each time the monitor point of care and return to the starting point: "No, I will understand then, we are now about you." If you stand, there is a chance that the aggressor will fall behind you with his pressure.
4 Suggestion  - a kind of psychological effects on humans, after which it begins to uncritically "swallow" the information, imposed from without
A person using this method, should be respected for their sacrifices, otherwise the focus will not work. The deadline for this suggestion is hypnosis, but it can also be used in the waking state. To do this, usually used games with voice intonation and other semi-conscious moments. Paradoxically, there are people who do not give in to suggestion, and you are lucky if you are among them.
5 Persuasion
The most rational form of psychological pressure. It appeals to reason and human logic. That is why it subject to only people with a normal level of intelligence and the development of thinking - the others just do not understand what they then broadcast. Speech, which includes beliefs, usually the most logical, consistent and evidence - as soon as the consciousness of the victim detects the slightest discrepancies, the entire structure collapses immediately.

• A few words about the manipulation
About manipulation, we decided to tell apart, as it is with this kind of psychological pressure faced more often. Its essence boils down to a desire to change the behavior, outlook and perception of another person with a hidden, violent or deceptive strategy.
As a rule, the interests of the manipulator are realized at the expense of the victim, because of what is considered to be unethical manipulation. The views of psychologists on it are very different. Some believe that the result of sometimes justify the means. For example, when the doctor persuades the patient to start taking the medicine. Or mother, wanting the child to put on his hat, asked him: "You are what you go hat - red or blue?" - Not giving a choice. Others rightly believe that the person needs to provide all the information, but respect his freedom of choice and decision, even if it seems wrong.
In any case, the manipulation direction (albeit indirectly) to implement the interests of the "victims" are extremely rare. Usually, it's still the desire for private gain at the expense of others. Manipulation is a hidden view of psychological pressure - the person does not understand the true motives of the manipulator, nor the fact of exposure. The gain in this case is an exceptionally one-sided.
Of course, that is not easy to manipulate people - this requires a certain level of knowledge of psychology, the ability to feel other people's weaknesses, cool and calculating. Man, solve it, and tough enough not to worry because that causes harm to the victim.
Manipulators are based on different grounds, by which they are able to control the human mind. Needs and desires since ancient times used to exert psychological pressure on human rights. Take for example the well-known Russian passion for "free" - the desire to get the maximum benefit at minimum cost, through which enriched a lot of scams.
Each of us in life is guided by certain ideals and values, which include the notions of good and evil, what is right and not, etc. ... So, relying on them, the other person is quite easy to manipulate us. For example, the supply of alms to a beggar - it seems to be random acts of kindness and compassion, though long since known that the majority of these donations go into the pocket behind this scam.
Intelligence and logic can also be manipulated. For example, using a complex and long circuit, with the computation of numerous figures and cause-and-effect relationships. This is often used by professionals of network marketing, agitating you to join their cause: "Put all three pennies, and get a huge profit, which is obtained from the following sources ...". As a rule, this scheme is put some logic errors, so that you can see the result, which is favorable manipulator.
It is very convenient to manipulate irrational ideas man. They are divorced from objective reality beliefs and convictions, which are formed during the life of a person and are very difficult to change outside. Full of them in the minds of each of us, for example:
I have to take responsibility for all by yourself;
If you are about something ask, then you have to help;
I must always sympathize with and help other people;
For any service you must give thanks;
Everything must love me;
Manipulator enough "push" on one of these "pet peeves", and the person becomes a virtually flawless creature. And the strength of these systems is enormous, and thanks to them from us, you can achieve almost any unpleasant and embarrassing actions.
Well, the most fertile ground for manipulation - our feelings and emotions. When someone causes you anxiety, is very easy to use it for their own selfish purposes. Women manipulate men, men - women, parents - children, and vice versa. For example: "You love me, and will not allow me to traveled by public transport." And so it can continue indefinitely, as feelings - an inexhaustible source of energy.
It is worth noting that we are being manipulated almost everywhere. Full of psychological pressure at work, in politics, advertising, relationships, and just in everyday life. As a rule, if you see that a person is prone to manipulation in one area of ​​your life, it will do the same in others.
• Methods of psychological influence
Psychological pressure may be implemented in a variety of methods - there can be, as they say, it all depends on the imagination of the aggressor. However, the main methods of manipulation of consciousness should be known to every man to resist them. As you know, forewarned - is forearmed, and it is one hundred percent regards all that is due to psychological pressure. So, what is most often used by fans to influence the minds of fellow citizens?
One of the oldest methods of influence on the human psyche. He puts our mind in a special state in which loses the ability to analyze information and make informed decisions. Perception is focused on one thing, of course, favorable manipulator. In a trance, you can enter a variety of ways - most often used repetitive stimuli, such as monotone speech, rapidly changing images, swinging pendulum, etc. ... In such a state of consciousness is particularly vulnerable to pressure, so you can verbally inspire anything or provoke you to undesired operation.
The use of words triggers
These are words that carry important for the "victims" emotional connotation. They often resort sellers seeking to sell their goods: "Buy a TV ponadezhnee more elegant coat shorts pomodnee ...". They reflect any assessment or quality that the "victim" wants to have.
It is expressed in the fact that people copy these or other components of your behavior: intonation, rhythm, breathing, posture, manner of speaking, look, gait, etc. ... It would seem that there is nothing wrong, but after adjustment starts immediately psychological impact. You are already on the same wavelength with the man, and he was much easier "story" you in the right direction.
Link to authorities
When you need to convince someone of something, it is often sufficient to refer to any expert in the field, and all - the victory is in your pocket. Incidentally, a classic psychological pressure. Oddly enough, the authorities may also be wrong, but it remains behind the scenes.
Psychological "games"
No, no, it's not the most fun exercise - rather manipulation scheme by another person. They are there in abundance. For example, an exemplary child behaves periodically does something out of the ordinary. Maybe he just vrednichaet, but more often the case in the other: the child wants to be praised for good behavior that adults perceived as the norm. After receiving praise misconduct probability increases as the parents see the contrast. Another example: on the job is a slave and asks him to make a lot of cases for tomorrow. A slave eyes on the forehead climb after which the chief says, "Well, okay. Do this at least. " And the slave runs away happily fulfill the order, though initially would not have subscribed to it.
Exchange thanked
Admission pressure is that one first has you any small favor, which you may not even be asked, and then strongly suggests that it would be nice to thank him for it.
Each of us from childhood experiences with this technique when you are offered a choice: either you do what you have to do or you will find yourself bad. Resort to it all and sundry: men, colleagues, bosses, friends and acquaintances, sellers in shops. Paradoxically, it works!
Vision for the future
You paint a picture in color, what happens if you do what you want. Our soul is so arranged that tends to a state of joy and psychological comfort, and we are ready to do anything to achieve them. In this case, the possible inconvenience for us from such things simply do not count.
Frightening images
If the above methods do not work, the person can be demonstrated, as will be bad, if the action is not performed. For example, the boss says: "If you do not report, companies face fines." Fear is overpowering, and you agree.
• How to resist the psychological pressure
Oddly enough, but resist the psychological pressure is much easier than it provide. The first thing you need to realize that you manipulate. You can see in the behavior of the partner signs the above-described methods of exposure. Persistent attract your attention to aspects of one and ignoring others also should alert you - as generous promises that cause reasonable doubt. In your state at manipulation may appear inexplicable affection for your partner, sharp fluctuations of feeling, the feeling of lack of time, of guilt, of duty - all of these things should be a signal that you manipulate.
The following is to inform the person that he "put into clean water." You can call into question the appropriateness of the actions and decisions that he demands of you. Then offer its own version of the interaction, which in the first place will suit you.
Naturally, the manipulator will resist. In this case it is useful to ask questions aimed at clarifying the situation: what does he mean when he says about the problem, what the objective conditions and restrictions are to be, what should be done to improve the situation, etc. ... Ask why manipulator chose you and right now - all this allows you to keep track of what prefers to "press" the aggressor.
Well, the most useful - it's banal "including the brain." As already described above, the main task of the manipulator - intensify feelings, emotions, irrational installation, because they contribute to the belief in the words of the aggressor. However, once you get out of the state of compliance and a sober analysis of the situation, as all changes dramatically. Lost urgency in addressing the issue, and the guilt of a particular you no longer feel. So as soon as you feel that you manipulate - start to think hard. And always ask for time to think - that it helps you to go beyond the situation and look at it objectively.
In today's world it is very important to be able to deal with the psychological pressure. We almost gave up arms and use of physical force, respectively, the enemies were only such methods of influence. And in order to live a happy life, you should be able to recognize them and protect yourself and your loved ones from such a brutal psychological intervention.

пятница, 27 февраля 2015 г.

1. Smartphone Motorola Moto G 2014

The best inexpensive smartphone as a whole
Key features:
gorgeous 4.5-inch IPS-screen with 720 pixels;
supports Android 4.3 Jelly Bean;
model available with 8 or 16 GB. built-in memory;
an incredible price / quality ratio;
no microSD-slot.
Currently it is the only phone in the list of cheap smartphones, which receives the mark of 10 points out of 10. Motorola Moto G wins a landslide victory. With a mass of 143 g and a width of 11.6 mm. The model is not included in the category of the most delicate and lightweight phone, but still value for money makes it very attractive. We first see the screen of 720 pixels at a cheap phone, and it gives a good, clear picture, and Gorilla Glass coating adds to his reliability.
Moto G supports the operating system Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and has 400 Snapdragon processor with 1 GB of RAM, which copes with many everyday tasks (web browsing, games, etc.). 5-megapixel camera provides decent picture quality and video quality in 720P HD format about the same level as in other similar phones.
No matter, whether you buy a model with 8 ($ 200) or 16th ($ 240) GB of memory, you know that such characteristics as the Moto G no one other eminent smartphone in the price range up to $ 250 on Currently this is the best smartphone in the class of inexpensive models. The only drawback is the lack of microSD-slot, although he successfully compensated by the large size of the internal memory.
Price: $ 226 (8GB), $ 268 (16GB)


2. Smartphone Nokia Lumia 620

The most cheapest phone on Windows Phone 8
Key features:
great design and ergonomics;
high-quality 3.8-inch LCD display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels;
Windows 8 operating system with access to services such as Xbox Music;
high productivity.
One of the most convincing arguments "for" in the use of Windows Phone 8 - Nokia Lumia 620 for $ 250, the best budget model, operating system, which works fine on low power phones.
This is truly one of the best budget phones - period. He's cute, he made all right, he has a good speed and he is damn easy to use - without any loss in terms of applications, e-mail and social networks than often err smartphones. Among the "chips" - 3.8-inch LCD display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels, 2-core processor Snapdragon S4 1GHz, 5-megapixel camera with LED flash and 8GB of internal memory.
This demonstrates that the action of advancing Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 and are becoming more aggressive. And we like it.
Price: $ 250

3. Smartphone HTC Desire 500

The cutest phone
Key features:
bright and clear 4.3-inch screen with a resolution of 480x800;
8-megapixel main camera with LED flash and autofocus;
4 GB of internal memory.
At a price of $ 300 stylish and beautiful HTC Desire 500 refers to the average phone supporting Android. Its high performance it fully justifies this cost.
Despite the fact that the 500th made of plastic, its total weight is 123 g of 4.3-inch display has a quality which can be compared with the display Sony Xperia M ($ 270). Phone operating system - Android 4.1.2. This is not the newest version of OS Google, but nevertheless it includes HTC Sense UI 5.0 with Blinkfeed. Quad-core Snapdragon 200 and 1 GB of RAM is enough for storing data, and the camera captures high-quality images.
If you are targeting a mid-range, but do not want to buy some cheap and ordinary phone, keep in mind that the Desire 500 - one of the prettiest phones with low price.
Price: $ 300

4. Smartphone Sony Xperia M

The most economical phone (battery life)
Key features:
stylish design;
great battery life battery;
good sound quality for watching videos.
This is not the Xperia Z1. This Sony Xperia M cost of $ 270 - a great inexpensive phone on Android. By the size of a 4-inch smartphone is almost the same as the iPhone 5S, but thanks to some elements of the design of the front panel Xperia looks very attractive.
The device works on the operating system Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and is equipped with a dual-core Qualcomm S4 Plus 1 GHz, which adequately provides web browsing and video streaming, as well as allows you to play the game. Slight disappointment is the resolution of 854x480, and 5-megapixel camera is also not particularly impressive.
However, on 9 hours of battery life is really amazing. In addition, 4-gigabyte memory (actually 2-gigabyte) can be expanded to 32 GB using a card MicroSD. If you are looking for an inexpensive phone with Android system, which would not look cheap stuff and do not want to wait for a more thorough Xperia M2, the Xperia M will be good choice for you.
Price: $ 270

5. Smartphone ZTE Blade V

The cheapest phone (in the category of up to $ 150)
Key features:
4-inch LCD display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels;
main camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels with LED flash;
structure is made of plastic with a stunning finish;
removable battery and a connector for microSD.
ZTE Blade V is the power of the 4-core processor and a nice looking design. Overall - good value for money if you buy a smartphone postponed literally around $ 150.
4-inch display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels is good enough for the phone and $ 150 is a reasonable compromise that ensures normal viewing and reading information.
With the support of the operating system Android 4.1 will be accessible to applications from Google Play and official versions of applications Google. The main camera is 5 megapixels allows you to take pictures of very good quality, and the battery when its work is enough for one day.
With regard to prices "up to $ 150," he far exceeds his kind Acer Liquid Z3 and Samsung Galaxy Fame.
Price: $ 150

четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.

Best Cheap Smartphones 2014: Top 5 Phones

Looking for a good inexpensive smartphone in 2014? In this paper, the best phone running the Android OS and Windows, price does not exceed $ 300.

It is clear that not everyone can shell out for the purchase of one of the most advanced models of Apple - iPhone 5S or buy a smartphone Android (such as the Samsung Galaxy S5, for example). But all is not lost. Make a decent choice on price / quality possible, but be aware that you have to go for a compromise.

Hope many buyers did not materialize - Apple never created a budget version of iPhone 5S, unlike HTC, Nokia, ZTE, Huawei, Alcatel and other manufacturers who are trying to make it more attractive to a cheap smartphones running Android and Windows Phone 8.

Without some features and parts you need to do (how to display Full HD 1080p, for example). Also, you will not have exceptional levels of contrast, colors and vibrations that can get the whole spectrum of the fun of watching videos and passing game.

Another weakness - CPU power. From these models do not expect quad power system. They possess only a single or dual-core processor. You do not get that quality recording produced by iPhone 5S or Sony Xperia Z1.

However, the price to $ 300 you can buy a phone, which is a good basic and front-facing camera, and access to Google Play and Windows Phone Store to download applications and games. And that is important - all these features is not dressed in ugly shell.

With the release of Sale Sony Xperia M2, HTC Desire 610 and Nokia X operating system Android, characteristics of phones with a price tag to $ 300 markedly improved and become more attractive.

See also: Smartphone or Tablet that Choose to 2014

If you do not have the money so much, but you are looking for the best smartphone for your money, our latest Mobile phones, created the best value for money, will help you make the right choice.

суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

20 incredibly vital and precise laws from Grace

Natalia Grace - a gifted psychologist and business coach from St. Petersburg, in his book "The Laws of Grace" made a number of laws that will help to get a little wiser. Here are a few of them. Maybe they can help you today.

1. Law zero

You must reset the brain. If you are back home and barely hold on his feet, and made only fourteen of twenty-eight cases scheduled for today, if you sat down and sit blankly staring ahead into the void, do not blame yourself for inefficiency! The brain can not smoothly carry out your orders. It is also necessary to do. He must restore order in all those lumps that you ponakidali him. At this time, the absence of any information you need from the outside. Brain "cleared" at this time. This is reset. Even the soil ceases to be fertile when the seventh year she did not give a rest, and forced to give birth again. This makes it a barren slave. Long live the reset!

2. The Law of false kindness

We just think that we are helping, solving other people's problems. We aggravates them. When we forcibly drag treated alcoholic, only prolong his agony and spend their time. He zapёt again, and we will consider it ungrateful pig, instead ask yourself whether it is worth throwing pearls. Man must solve their problems CAM. It grows in proportion as it grows arsenal of problem solving.

3. The law of fairness details

As a person manifests itself in the details - so is he! He can be generous royally, but once a year, and petty nature manifests itself in small things every day, so stuff is much more revealing.

4. The Law of embryos

There are germs of phenomena and events. Although these germs and not alive, but have the ability to reproduce. One cup left entail a mountain of dirty dishes. One inscription on the freshly painted fence will soon be left alone - the entire fence will be used up. How to use the law of embryos? All adverse events, and events need to recognize in the bud. Germs of all evil must be destroyed. If some phenomenon of life you do not like - remove it fetus. It is much easier to melt a snowflake, you stop a snowball.

5. It is better to under-than over-

This applies to absolutely everything. For example, if a speech, then finish it before people get tired. Goethe said: "The Mystery of the boring is to say everything." Went out on a date - just a little bit earlier than it wants to make your partner. Leave the guests before they yearn for solitude. Remember: it is better under- than over- ...

6. The law of general teams

Two horses in harness able to budge the 15 tons. But each of them individually - only 3 tons. Harnessed in the affairs of not less than two - and to be effective. "A string of three times twisted, not soon will tear."

7. Law magic word

It turns out that the magic word - "NO", and not "please". Many problems can be avoided if people refuse to learn. Do not spend time in the empty conversation "out of politeness." Not to borrow money when you do not want to do that. This is much better than to suffer over whether to return or not. Give what you can give, and do not let the debt. Goethe said: "If you want to lose a friend - give him to borrow money."
I found an interesting phenomenon. When a person refuses arguments, it raises self-esteem, increased self-esteem. People are afraid to refuse. And you know why? They are afraid not to please! And will not please everyone. Learn to experience negative emotions of others quietly about your refusal. If you just say "NO", then argue waiver will already be easier. Refuses easily.

8. Law false ideal conditions

There will never be an ideal environment. Silly, of course, deny that favorable circumstances occasionally happen. More rarely someone wise enough to use them. Partly because the ability to hide under the guise of the problems that must be solved.

9. The Law of Supply

One person, let's call it Mikhailovich, wanted to change his bike to a new, more modern. Mikhalych an ad in the newspaper that sold the bike, because the entire sum for the purchase of new, he did not have.

The model was five hundred years old shaggy, therefore calls on the ad have been reported, but at the end of week one person is still called. Mikhalych met him, and he offered him a very modest price, about three hundred dollars, saying that this bike can only be spent on parts. Mikhalych became indignant and said that it would sell at least a thousand. Client with a sigh gone, and it was evident that he does not break, and do not really willing to pay more, with left Mihalychu your phone with the words: "If you still decide to give me a call."

Mikhalych did not think to change their views on the old horse and did not call. The client called back a few days later and again offered three hundred dollars, but Mikhalych refused. A week later, when Mikhalych late leaving the office, he could not remember where to put the motorcycle until finally he realized that it was stolen.

Offers made on purpose. The fate so often manifests care about us.

10. The law once an established

One well-established works fine!

11. The law of compensation

Does not happen all at once! Can you imagine? .. Wife: beauty, manicure, haircut, do not dry cakes at home, in bed with her husband - the wonders of ingenuity and passion; children swim in the attention; genius sings, entertains guests playing the piano; healthy - well, just blood and milk; natured character silk meets smile, brilliant poet, lucky business woman, the perfect friend ...

Does not happen all at once, so Napoleon was afraid of cats, Tchaikovsky ate paper and cried up to ten times a day, Suvorov often pretended to be a fool, Schiller quite seriously put on the table for feeding rotten apples muse, and Bach organist threw in a wig when he was out of tune.

If something a person has made significant progress, in another he is usually a shortage. But the person is valuable not so much the lack of defects, as the presence of merit.

12. The law of influence

Environment affects how people become. In medicine, there is a concept: the rate of reaction. It is obvious that someone is destined to be slimmer, someone - better. But even within the concept of completeness can be plump handsome, but you can - bloated and spread to ugliness. At the same genetics, mind you. This is called the norm of reaction. Even if a person does not tears stars from the sky, then it has a margin of this very reaction norm. In an environment it will be developed (even relatively), and the other - primitive. Setting affect many, if not all. We become those who are close to us, and much less likely to convert others to himself.

13. Law of the cross

Cross each is given in strict accordance with his back.

14. Law of the polar reaction to talent

Talented people always cause polar reactions: either delight or hatred. They can not be perceived indifference. They are impossible to ignore, ignore. They are impossible to forget. Remember them, love them, hate them, think about them, envy them. Therefore, if you are talented, you do not rely on universal approval. Enemies will have because not all the talent they have got.

15. The Law "Do not your people"

Not your people still on you go.

16. Law of the shared memory

Most people share a common memory for events and all there poods of salt. The shared memory based attachment and fair as quiet phase lasted love. Thus, entering into the memory connects people. Want good attachment - fall into the memory good.

17. Act to bind thoughts neighbor

A person who is close to us, makes us think about yourself, even if it is not interesting to us. This dangerously close to worthless people.

18. Law of the inevitability of loss

In all that man does, he makes mistakes. Therefore, losses are inevitable. Losses - is inevitable, gentlemen! Knowing this, you should not grieve too much. On many things, but not everything we can influence. There are general laws of the universe. We can not be perfect, and our actions - as well. Accept the inevitable losses with humility. Perhaps, it is necessary only here.

19. Law of halves

Any picture of the world, any business can be symbolically divided into halves, which complement each other. Halves can call start and end. Set the tone for the initial half is still possible, but if it materialized, the final half begins "dorisovyvat" as if by itself. That's the essence of control situation. You can specify the initial half to get the desired end result.

To consolidate this idea is an illustration. You're probably trying to figure out why some people cause others reactions of admiration and adoration? They behave as if he can not help but like it. If you want to make a speech, then their whole view shows: I'm ready for a round of applause, and people start cheering, dorisovyvaya mate. They look as if waiting for the reaction of adoration - and people are starting to look with interest at first, then fall in love. Ask the correct initial half, and success is guaranteed.

20. Law of the right things

If a person is doing the right thing, then doing it every day better and better.

source: http://fit4brain.com/5559
