воскресенье, 22 марта 2015 г.

With this unique method to determine a person's character - simple. I am enthusiastic!

With this test, you can learn so much about a person just has learned his hands. All you have to do is ask the subject to do four simple steps. Or make them yourself, if you check yourself. Then, write the result in each case and compared with the following decryption.
So, here's what to do:
1. Lay down your arms into the lock.
Finger a hand was on top? If the left - write down the number 1 if right - 2.
2. aim at an imaginary target, covering one eye.
What eyes remained open? If the left - down 1, right - 2.
3. crossed his arms over his chest.
What hand was on top? Left - 1, right - 2.
4. Poaplodiruy.
When you aplodiruesh which hand is on top? If the left - down 1, right - 2.
And now you can see the result:
2221 - a man with such a character differs a great indecision.
2212 - inherent sociability, you can find a common language with anyone.
2122 - caution, softness, technical mind. Such a person is often cold with others.
1222 - the lack of perseverance, character emotional. Such a person can be easily influenced by others'. Able to find a common language with people.
1122 - a man with such a character differs kindness, the presence of a large number of interests. Often simple and naive. Prone to soul-searching.
2211 - soft character. A man with such a set of numbers is different communication skills.
2111 - a distinctive feature of such a person - impermanence. He prefers to rely only on themselves.
1211 - the nature of the closed, little friends. Nevertheless, this man strong in spirit and struggled goes to the goal.
1121 - creative nature, the nature of the soft and trusting.
1112 - a man with such a combination of energetic, determined and emotional.
2222 - the absolute right-hander, conservative, tendency to avoid conflicts.
1111 - the absolute left-handed. Creative person, who is also characterized by emotion, individualism and selfishness.
2121 - defenselessness. That man just affect.
1212 - persistent and strong-willed people. It is easy to reach this goal.
1221 - gentle nature. Such a person is inherent naivety and lack of perseverance.
2112 - the nature of light, laid-back. Such a person can easily start dating, hobbies often changes.
Well, have you checked yourself? And what happened? Share results in the comments!

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